Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dr. Singha's Mustard Bath

Oh geez! Where to begin....heaven. I read about this product on another blog I follow (and love) and thought I'd order some up. I got the bath powder and the oil. So I put a few drops of the oil in the hottest bath I could stand and just chilled for 30 minutes. Honestly when I got out I felt drugged. I was so relaxed the ceiling could have caved in around me and I would still be chilling without a care in the world. I sat on the sofa and sweated my butt off for another 10-15 minutes after I toweled off and put on some jammies then I got cold and had to cover up. So let me take a step back and share what these products are intended for. They are detoxing and relaxing. Double the awesomeness in my book. And honestly I'm hooked. I ordered mine from because they had the best prices and I plan on stocking up. Amazing, just amazing!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Do you Dry Brush?

Last time I was at Natural Grocers I picked up a natural bristle brush (for your skin). I tried it out for the first time last night. While it was alittle scratchy, my skin really was "glowing" after I finished lotioning after my bath. I read that you are supposed to dry brush in circular motions all over before a shower or bath. I'm a believer now.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Juicing- Epic Fail

Well, this morning I got up extra early to start my day off right. No more of that waiting till twenty minutes before my son Jonas has to be at school to hop out of bed and scramble to get things done. It's not easy but it's nice to fully wake up without automaticcally having kids ask you a million questions while trying to get them out the door and finish waking up. I decided to see if I could manage running the juicer in the morning without waking my husband up but perhaps I need to finish waking up myself before running heavy machinery in the morning because this morning juicing was an epic fail. Juicing 101...never forget the cup that catches the jjuice is in fact in the running dishwasher and not in the juicing machine before running spinach, 1/2 a cucumber and blueberries thru the machine. Oh My Gosh! What a mess and I didnt even notice that it was pooling on my counter till it was way to late. An interesting start to my Monday.

On another note though, yesterday I decided to try out my dehydrator (also from my mother) and I have to say I ended up with some yummy organic banana chips, strawberry and apples slices. My blueberries are still working but one was about right and it was yummy too. Now Jonas has some yummy goodness for his snack time at school. Thinking of making some friut leather later this week. Wish me luck.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Juicing (A First Attempt)

Well I busted out the ole second hand juicer I got from my mother who probably has had it stored since the 90' was the little juicer that could. I was worried it would crap out and catch fire but no such castrophies occured. I went with a green juice this lovely evening. I know I've read juicing in the morning is best but with a husband who works third shift and a micro-mini apartment...I might have to improvise. I added a fist full of kale, 1 organic golden delicious apple, some baby carrots on there way out, 5 organic celery sticks, some organic brocoli (I wasn't sure if I was supposed to juice the stem but that made logical sense to me so I did) and a cucumber peeled since I wasn't able to find organic around town. Maybe I'm forgetting something else but oh well, close enough. It was....interesting. Honestly, I hate celery and I may have to scale back on it abit because at first I wanted to gag but I eventually got used to it and enjoyed the second glass. Well it wasn't as scary as I thought it might be. I know that sounds dramatic but hey, that's me sometimes. All in all, juicing success.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Getting Started

I love to read this blog from It's such a great resource for crafting ideas and an amazing kids clothing site as well but it's the blog that really inspires me. The gal who writes it has been going thru cancer and her journey has opened my eyes so much. She mentioned a movie Crazy Sexy Cancer (which I still have not watched...just have to break down and order a copy) which lead me to a website which lead me to a book called Crazy Sexy Diet written by a young woman also with cancer. Yes, the book is a bit of a diet book in the sense that she talks about food and how it effects your body, specifically it's Ph level but there is so much more to this book as well. It promotes a vegetarian or (perferably) vegan lifestyle, eating mostly alkaline foods with a low-glycemic level. She also talks about meditation, yoga, alittle colon health (hee hee) and a whole lot more. Oh, I can't believe I almost forgot it's about JUICING!!! Honestly, it's become a bit of a bible so to speak for me. I ordered it on my Kindle and have been carrying it everywhere with me. I think I've read it twice already and I haven't even started the Big 21 Day Cleanse yet. The main aspect of the book. Anyways, I really suggest it. It has quite possibly been a major factor in this overall decision to make a change. That and a few other personal things I'll hold close to my chest till the time is right to share.

So my fridge is stocked with lots of yummy veggie (and a few fruits) goodness. I've got my VitaMix ready to go, my juicer is on the counter....time for take off. Oh and I did alittle meditation this morning too, though that's going to take some practice. Apparently the point is to not let your mind wonder....yeah...that's was tricky. We'll work on that.

If anyone else decides to join in this journey with me please post and let me know. Journeys are always more fun with a buddy or twenty.

The Beginning Of A New Era

I've always been right on the fence of good living. By that I mean I've always ate "pretty good", I exercise "occasionally", only drink and smoke "every once in awhile" but really I was only kidding myself. I'm slowly year by year breaking my body down. I've recently had an epiphany, I want to be the best me I can be. Mind. Body. Soul. I think most people at some point in their life approach this cross road but I think (unfortunately) most people just continue down their regular path and is over and all the things they wanted out of life (and I'm not talking about the material stuff) never happened and the regrets start to pile up and....well you get the picture. I want so much more out of this life. I want inner peace. I want a healthy body. I want joy and happiness everyday from the second I wake up till the second I go to bed. Ok, so that will be hard because life likes to throw a few monkey wrenches in there every once in awhile but life is only what you make of it and I have the ability to approach each difficulty I face in life with a warm heart and open mind. This blog may never be read by anyone or maybe some random stranger with stumble across it and think "hmm". Either way I'm fine with that. This will be a journal of sorts to record the journey I am about embark on. To cleanse my Mind, Body and Soul.